Automatic object recognition

Automatic object recognition is a form of machine learning with exceptional potential for efficiency gains in geographic data projects. On this page, you can read all about the possibilities of automatic object recognition.

Automatic object recognition and classification

Automatic object recognition is the process of automatically identifying objects in images or videos. This can be done using a variety of techniques, including machine learning, computer vision, and pattern recognition.


Object classification is a more specific type of object recognition that involves assigning a label to an object. For example, an object classification system might be able to identify a car, a person, or a dog.


Real-time Object Recognition


Real-time object recognition is the ability to identify objects in real time, as they are being seen or recorded. This is a more challenging task than traditional object recognition, as it requires the system to be able to process and analyze data very quickly.


Smart city applications


Automatic object recognition has a wide range of potential applications in smart cities. For example, it can be used to:


  • Monitor traffic and identify potential congestion or accidents.
  • Track the movement of people and identify patterns of behavior.
  • Detect illegal activity, such as graffiti or vandalism.
  • Manage waste collection and identify areas that need to be cleared.


Avineon's Expertise


Avineon is a leading provider of geospatial data engineering services. We have a deep understanding of automatic object recognition and can help you to implement this technology in your smart city projects. We can also help you to:


  • Develop and train object recognition models
  • Integrate object recognition into your existing systems
  • Deploy object recognition solutions in the real world

If you are interested in learning more about how Avineon can help you with automatic object recognition, please contact us today.

Why Avineon?

Avineon boasts more than 30 years of experience supporting organisations across sectors including transport, utilities, telecoms, and those maintaining critical infrastructure.


Over the past three decades, we've assisted 300 organisations in enhancing their location-related IT processes.


The knowledge we gain is directly applied across diverse industries.


Download our e-book "Why Avineon?" to delve deeper into our approach.

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Other Avineon services

Satellite data

High-quality satellite imagery is freely available. National and international databases allow you to enrich your GIS data. An advanced automated workflow is absolutely essential for efficient use.

Drone data

The advent of drones has made tailored aerial photography accessible for GIS projects. Drones provide solutions for analyses with a high level of detail. Avineon helps you extract maximum value from drone data.

Lidar data

Classifying lidar data is a specialized skill. Avineon has extensive experience with lidar projects related to 3D city models and vegetation monitoring. We are happy to apply our knowledge of raster analysis to your GIS project!

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