Application Development

Our application development services include:


  • ArcGIS Enterprise: creation of ArcGIS Server map, image, and feature services.
  • Web mapping applications: building web maps to service individual or multiple web mapping applications.
  • Web caching: designing, building, and leveraging cashing.
  • ArcGIS Enterprise Portal and ArcGIS Online: establishing and configuring Enterprise Portal and ArcGIS online as a central resource for ArcGIS web mapping applications.
Data Integration

A lot of our work related to integrations and processes in this venue leverages the powerful and valuable FME suite.


This not only allows an easier and faster development and maintenance, but also reduces versioning issues and enhances the documentation and transparency of your processes.

Workflow Automation

We review, analyze, recommend, and revise your existing workflows by levering our own internal experience with extensive workflow automations.


Avineon uses workflow automations in its internal data development and quality control processes, leading to an increased productivity and quality. We leverage this knowledge in our workflow automation services along with best-in-class execution tools.

Spatial Modeling and Analysis

Avineon previously has performed, and currently is performing, spatial modeling and analysis for a variety of government and commercial customers using Insights for ArcGIS.


We are currently further deepening that knowledge through our Esri Business Partner status.

Real-Time Integration and Streaming Data Visualization

Avineon leverages real-time data streaming products and processes, such as GeoEvent Server. We have also implemented solutions for displaying real-time AVL feeds in ArcGIS Enterprise Portal.


We have, in addition, developed Operations Dashboards that display real-time data from geodatabases.

CAD and GIS Integration

Our deep experience in CAD and GIS integration includes the successful migration of AutoCAD files to ArcGIS. We are uniquely qualified to address any of your needs related to the migration of AutoCAD data into GIS and, in addition, maintain the relationships between these systems as needed.


We developed a specific model identifying the required and specific steps to be performed for a successful migration.

Application Support Maintenance

Avineon provides ongoing application support activities, including help desk support and issue tracking capabilities in production. We extend these as per your specific requirements.


In addition, we provide you with reporting and status of service requests and work orders in an easy-to-digest form, such as dashboards, written reports, etc., and on a given frequency of demand.