Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC)

As an industry leader, we help you visualize your planning, design, construction, and operations, to take care of your architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) needs.

Visualize your construction plans with BIM and 3D models

Over the last few years, we have witnessed a significant transformation in the AEC industry. The convergence of geographic information systems (GIS) and building information modeling BIM has triggered new technology advancements to integrate geo-information with BIM, resulting, in the urban context, in highly comprehensive 3D models and digital twins of various city components.

By integrating GIS and BIM, planners can easily visualize projects in the real world, and from any perspective, ultimately improving stakeholder communication and participation, allowing organizations to execute their AEC projects in a more sustainable, and cost-effective, way.

However, to successfully integrate GIS and BIM, and thus fully reap the benefits of GeoBIM, a good understanding of both the related GIS and BIM concepts is required. Avineon has built this understanding thanks to our experience, knowledge, and expertise in the GeoBIM domain. We help AEC professionals efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage their buildings and infrastructures.

Architecture/Engineering/ Construction

Avineon not only guides you through your digital transformation journey, but also offers the needed engineering support and helps you solve any geo-location related problem.


Avineon thinks 3D, whether it be related to 3D design and/or modeling, or whether it be related to supporting you in your BIM processes. 

Architecture/Engineering/ Construction

Avineon not only guides you through your digital transformation journey, but also offers the needed engineering support and helps you solve any geo-location related problem.


Avineon thinks 3D, whether it be related to 3D design and/or modeling, or whether it be related to supporting you in your BIM processes. 

Our Solutions for AEC

Our services and solutions enhance and revolutionize your business operations, and hence improve your operational productivity, customer service, and regulatory compliance.


We have, in addition, the required knowhow to help decrease your costs by making models more realistic, and thus enabling better solutions for planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of large-scale geographically spread infrastructure in a sustainable way.


At Avineon, we have the delivery model tailored to your AEC needs. Avineon can either execute the work locally, at our own local offices by remote access or onsite with our customers or at our effective production facility. The level of direct client engagement with the production team is tailored to your specific needs and preferences.


The Avineon team works with you to understand your current situation, and from there, identifies the best way to visualize your buildings and infrastructures – tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
We therefore analyze the impact of an ever-changing environment and technology on your systems, assets, and data.

Detailed Engineering Support

Detailed engineering support follows FEED and basic engineering steps in the engineering process. Avineon provides the high-quality, cost-effective, and seamlessly-delivered engineering support inputs required during the construction phase of the project.

Based on the basic engineering documents, we produce the engineering support deliverables, project planning and management, procurement assistance, vendor drawings/documents review, interface and hook-up engineering of vendor package items, and as-built drawings for complex projects in the areas of process, piping, mechanical, civil and structural, electrical, and instrumentation.

Detailed Engineering Support

Detailed engineering support follows FEED and basic engineering steps in the engineering process. Avineon provides the high-quality, cost-effective, and seamlessly-delivered engineering support inputs required during the construction phase of the project.

Based on the basic engineering documents, we produce the engineering support deliverables, project planning and management, procurement assistance, vendor drawings/documents review, interface and hook-up engineering of vendor package items, and as-built drawings for complex projects in the areas of process, piping, mechanical, civil and structural, electrical, and instrumentation.

BIM Consultancy

From consulting to model design, a planned approach implementing BIM and related technologies as well as the scope of virtualization leads to an optimized return on value from pre-construction to post-construction and further operations management.


Our cutting-edge, customized, 3D services and solutions in data engineering, geospatial asset management, IT, and system integration help you optimize and modernize your business operations by improving your operational efficiency, customer service, and regulatory compliance.

Intelligent 2D Data Modeling

Optimize your plant operations and developments by digitizing your manual drafts through 2D CAD conversion.

Avineon has many years of experience in converting paper or scanned documents/TIFF/PDF to CAD with a high level of precision and delivers consistent quality. We work with most industry standard intelligent 2D software, such as SPPID, SPI, SPEL, Aveva P&ID, Aveva Instrumentation, Aveva Electrical, Bentley Auto Plant P&ID, and OpenPlant P&ID for the creation of your intelligent 2D deliverables.

Intelligent 2D Data Modeling

Optimize your plant operations and developments by digitizing your manual drafts through 2D CAD conversion.

Avineon has many years of experience in converting paper or scanned documents/TIFF/PDF to CAD with a high level of precision and delivers consistent quality. We work with most industry standard intelligent 2D software, such as SPPID, SPI, SPEL, Aveva P&ID, Aveva Instrumentation, Aveva Electrical, Bentley Auto Plant P&ID, and OpenPlant P&ID for the creation of your intelligent 2D deliverables.

Creation of BIM

The development of 3D models that accurately depict buildings and assets with the right technical platform requires a combination of management and development best practices and mastery of data, technology, and engineering disciplines.


Further innovations in augmented and virtual reality can provide additional value with the right implementation approach.

Sustain and Grow

As AEC requirements continue to evolve over time, handling continuous improvement, assimilation, and change management needs are crucial to conquer future challenges.

Updating BIM

Effective use and investment into BIM continue to unlock value for an organization with new opportunities for efficiency with the incorporation of geo-spatial features, analytics, maintenance, and further evolution of operations throughout the lifespan of assets.

Updating BIM

Effective use and investment into BIM continue to unlock value for an organization with new opportunities for efficiency with the incorporation of geo-spatial features, analytics, maintenance, and further evolution of operations throughout the lifespan of assets.

Why Avineon

Improving Your Business


In this guide (PDF) we explain how Avineon can help to improve your business by visualizing your systems, assets, and data.


Why Avineon

Our Technical Specialties for AEC

Our professional team supports you with consultancy, solutions, software, and training in both Data Integration and Geo Information domains. We provide expertise in all phases of the life cycle – from design to implementation and management. Avineon offers the specific knowledge that fits the needs of your organization; whether you are looking to solve a specific problem, or whether you are looking for short- or long-term extra capacity, our professionals are happy to help!


We have, in addition, in close cooperation with our customers, developed smart solutions that cover various markets and applications. However, they all have one thing in common: they accelerate the implementation of innovative digital technologies in your organization.

Application Development

Geospatial application developments that meet your demands in terms quality and performance.


Avineon develops applications for a wide range of geospatial solutions, ranging from ArcGIS Enterprise and online to Web AppBuilder and mobile.

Application Development

Geospatial application developments that meet your demands in terms quality and performance.


Avineon develops applications for a wide range of geospatial solutions, ranging from ArcGIS Enterprise and online to Web AppBuilder and mobile.

Interested In What We Do? Let's Talk!