
Increase your operational efficiency by becoming a data-driven utility, relying on qualitative data, an optimal environment, and efficient processes.

Become a real data-driven utility

In a modern utility, using data in an intelligent way is the key to efficient management of daily operations. A lot of efficiency can be gained through qualitative data, stored in an optimal environment, and supported by efficient processes. Managing your data in the correct environment not only reduces your operational costs, but also reduces your IT maintenance costs.

Becoming a data-driven utility all starts with correct and complete data. This often requires a one-time effort to bring the existing data up to standards, and a controlled process to keep it that way. In addition, a future-proof data environment, that supports both internal (field-editing, tracing, predictive analysis, etc.) and external (data-exchange, call before you dig, etc.) processes, is required

Avineon’s solid business expertise of over 29 years has led to a thorough understanding of the challenges utility companies are facing in an ever-changing environment, requiring optimized business and technology processes.


Our smart engineering support services help you define the most efficient solutions for your needs and support in best preparing the required execution works to optimize your operations and enable the development of smart, distributed district heating networks.

Public Lighting

Our solutions help electric utilities around the world optimize their business and technology processes. Our experience ranges from streetlight networks in small municipalities to multi-state transmission and distribution service areas spanning thousands of square kilometers.


We support gas distribution, transmission, and pipeline organizations, ranging from small regional providers to large conglomerates, in improving their operations throughout the gas delivery lifecycle by optimizing their information and asset management systems.

Waste Water

With aging infrastructure, growing regulations, and ongoing security concerns, water, wastewater, and storm water utilities face increasingly difficult challenges. We help customers face these challenges by providing total infrastructure solutions, ranging from relatively simple geospatial data enhancement projects to entire enterprise system implementations.

Our Solutions for Utilities

Our services and solutions focus on optimizing and modernizing your business operations, and thus improve your operational efficiency, customer service, and regulatory compliance.


Our domestic consultants and project managers have the required domain knowledge and technical expertise to support you in your journey to become a data-driven utility. Both the project management and the development of tooling and processes are executed on-premises, in our offices, or from home. At all times, we work completely transparently, enabling our customers to learn during their journey while staying on top of the process. The big-volume work is executed in our facilities in India, which not only have an excessive experience in working for various utility companies, but also provide economies of scale.

This unique combination allows a fast and integrated execution of your big data improvement projects at an affordable price. The project management of such projects is, again, performed by domestic project managers that speak your language. This is our way of ensuring that not only your requirements are translated into correct working instructions, but also progress is monitored closely. It goes without saying that our Indian facilities are ISO registered for quality, information security, and health and safety.


To best support and guide you in your journey towards becoming a real data-driven utility, a deep understanding of your current situation is required. The Avineon team therefore analyzes the impact of an ever-changing environment and technology on your systems, assets, and data, and, by doing so, helps you find the best solutions tailored to your needs.

Application Development and Automation

We design useful applications for your business and integrate new applications into your application suite as per your requirements.

In addition, we design powerful AI/ML tools and processes and integrate new AI/ML processes and resultant data into your applications.

Application Development and Automation

We design useful applications for your business and integrate new applications into your application suite as per your requirements.

In addition, we design powerful AI/ML tools and processes and integrate new AI/ML processes and resultant data into your applications.

Detailed Engineering Support

Successfully execute your field projects thanks to our comprehensive multi-disciplinary design and detail engineering support services, facilitating the procurement, fabrication, installation, construction, commissioning, and operation of your utility.

3D City Modeling Consultancy

Reap the benefits of modeling your assets, including buildings, installations, bridges, roads, or any other type of infrastructure, in 3D. The Avineon team helps you identify your needs and finds the solution that best fits these needs.


Our cutting-edge, customized, services and solutions in data engineering, geospatial asset management, IT, and system integration help you optimize and modernize your business operations by improving your operational efficiency, customer service, and regulatory compliance.

Application Development and Automation

Based on design, we develop, test, and deploy useful applications and powerful AI/ML tools and processes to support your operations. We also integrate new applications and AI/ML processes and resultant data into your application suites as per your requirements.

Application Development and Automation

Based on design, we develop, test, and deploy useful applications and powerful AI/ML tools and processes to support your operations. We also integrate new applications and AI/ML processes and resultant data into your application suites as per your requirements.

As-Built from Laser Scan Data

We transform your laser scan data into intelligent and usable 3D models, enabling you to increase the efficiency of your utility operations, maintenance, and expansions.


Our highly accurate intelligent 3D models reduce both the need for, and frequency of, your manual field surveys. Our team is equipped with various 3D software systems and has a vast experience in 3D modeling.

Creation of BIM

The development of 3D models that accurately depict buildings and assets with the right technical platform requires a combination of management and development best practices and mastery of data, technology, and engineering disciplines.


Further innovations in augmented and virtual reality can provide additional value with the right implementation approach.

Sustain and Grow

As utilities evolve over time, managing continuous improvement, integration, and change management needs are crucial to conquer any possible future challenges.

Application Development and Automation

Based on project planning and design, we perform regular and ad hoc monitoring, maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting of your applications and AI/ML tools, processes, and resultant data.

Application Development and Automation

Based on project planning and design, we perform regular and ad hoc monitoring, maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting of your applications and AI/ML tools, processes, and resultant data.

Data Improvement and Maintenance

Take that key improvement step towards more reliable data by improving your data quality levels.


While our international drafting teams support you in keeping your data up to date and executing various data improvement tasks, our local domestic project managers ensure a strict project monitoring and adherence to schedule.

Why Avineon

Improving Your Business


In this guide (PDF) we explain how Avineon can help to improve your business by visualizing your systems, assets, and data.


Why Avineon

Our Innovations and Technical Specialties for Utilities

Our professional team supports you with consultancy, solutions, software, and training in both Data Integration and Geo Information domains. We provide expertise in all phases of the life cycle – from design to implementation and management. Avineon offers the specific knowledge that fits the needs of your organization; whether you are looking to solve a specific problem, or whether you are looking for short- or long-term extra capacity, our professionals are happy to help!


We have, in addition, in close cooperation with our customers, develop smart solutions that cover various markets and applications. However, they all have one thing in common: they accelerate the implementation of innovative digital technologies in your organization.

Metrics Extension to ArcGIS for Enterprise

Gain operational efficiencies by monitoring and sharing data trends!


Avineon’s Metrics Extension is an ArcGIS Server extension to baseline and track progress of database changes for reporting and data governance.


The data are presented in both a desktop app and an Operations Dashboards to help you establish user trust in GIS data, elevate ownership and stewardship, implement data governance, and automate reporting and sharing processes.

Metrics Extension to ArcGIS for Enterprise

Gain operational efficiencies by monitoring and sharing data trends!


Avineon’s Metrics Extension is an ArcGIS Server extension to baseline and track progress of database changes for reporting and data governance.


The data are presented in both a desktop app and an Operations Dashboards to help you establish user trust in GIS data, elevate ownership and stewardship, implement data governance, and automate reporting and sharing processes.

Application Development

Geospatial application developments that meet your demands in terms quality and performance.


Avineon develops applications for a wide range of geospatial solutions, ranging from ArcGIS Enterprise and online to Web AppBuilder and mobile.

Interested In What We Do? Let's Talk!